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FH Summary: This post emphasizes the crucial role of reading habits, those little things that will put your child on the optimal path for reading success, in fostering an upward spiral in a child’s life. It affirms that these habits, when instilled early, act as stepping stones towards lifelong learning and success. Backed by research and real-life examples, the blog serves as a comprehensive guide for parents, underscoring the transformative power of effective reading habits in child development. 

In the grand odyssey of child development, habits serve as more than simple, repeated actions. They act as the unseen architects shaping a child’s future, etching a trajectory that can lead to lifelong success or frustration. With that perspective in mind, we at First Habits believe that introducing effective reading habits early in a child’s life are an indispensable investment for their bright future. But why do we place such emphasis on reading habits like skimming, understanding the role of the environment, following an eye path, and using a hand guide? The answer is profound, yet beautifully simple. These habits can serve as the ignition switch for a lifetime love of reading. Without these key reading First Habits, it’s possible that a child’s reading development may be slower than optimal and they may be frustrated with reading which could then deter them from reading which will decrease their ability to learn new reading skills – the classic downward spiral. So let’s set our child up for an upward spiral of success and explore each of these habits in detail to gain a deeper understanding.

Constructing an Upward Spiral: The Magnitude of Reading Habits

Investing in your children is an investment in the future. It’s akin to depositing money in a bank where the dividends are multiplied many times over. The revered habits expert and author James Clear beautifully encapsulates this concept, stating, “Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.” The seeds of good habits planted today promise a garden brimming with growth, success, and accomplishment tomorrow.

Reading habits are at the heart of this lush garden. A child who is proficient at reading holds a master key to the kingdom of knowledge. They unlock the doors to various disciplines, right from the mysteries of science to the narratives of history. But proficient reading isn’t just about deciphering words on a page – it’s about adopting the right reading habits, the ones that transform reading from a chore into an adventure. And just think about it – what academic skill is more important than reading? Except for memory (read more on that here and here), there’s no one skill that is as crucial to a child’s positive academic path. Think about how much knowledge can be gained from being an active reader from a young age. Think about how just a small advantage in their reading comprehension and speed can add up for them over the course of not just their academic career but also their lives.

So let’s dive deeper into each one of these crucial First Habits.

Skimming: A Rocket Launchpad to Understanding

Skimming is often misunderstood. Many view it as a reflection of inattention or hurried reading. In truth, skimming is an essential reading skill that accelerates comprehension and empowers the reader to sift through irrelevant information. When your child skims through a text, they’re quickly identifying the key points, themes and arguments. It’s like surveying the landscape from a bird’s-eye view before starting your journey. It provides an overview, a sense of direction that ensures the reading journey is not marked by confusion but by comprehension.

Research corroborates the effectiveness of skimming. One study found that students who use skimming as a pre-reading activity show an improved understanding of the text. Hence, teaching your child to skim is not just a reading habit – it’s an investment in their learning efficiency.

For adults and children alike, skimming a passage of text or even long portions of a textbook can prime the mind to think through the key concepts that will be presented in greater detail during the active phase of reading. Then when the reader comes across those details they are much easier to digest and remember and also analyze.

To put this concept into practice, have your child quickly skim through more text than they can actively understand and then ask thought provoking questions about what they believe will be the main themes or what the author may be trying to communicate. By having a greater understanding of what the main thrust of the text is going to be, your brain is that much more likely to comprehend and remember the information when it comes across it during a detailed reading.

Environment: The Unsung Hero of Reading Success

The environment, often overlooked, plays a pivotal role in shaping a child’s reading experience. A tranquil, distraction-free space can work wonders for a child’s reading prowess. The University of Salford conducted a study that showed well-designed classroom environments can enhance learning progress by up to 25% over a year.(1) The same principles can be applied to your child’s reading space at home.

Creating a reading-friendly environment isn’t rocket science. It could be as simple as designating a quiet corner of the house for reading, ensuring adequate lighting and keeping it clutter-free. The key is to create a space that invites your child into the world of books and away from the constant distractions of our digital age.

Eye Path: Guiding the Vision of the Mind

A well-structured eye path can significantly enhance a child’s reading ability. Guiding the eye path means following along with the text as your child reads. It could be with the help of their finger, a pointer or a bookmark. This simple technique can dramatically improve reading focus, reduce strain and increase reading speed.

Eye path will be a key to boosting both speed and comprehension. Expert level readers ensure that they are constantly moving forward and not re-treading over the same words with their eyes, one thing that can have a detrimental effect on overall reading speed. We’ll dive into this topic in future posts, but it’s very important for example that a child’s eyes never get to the right-most or left-most part of each line they are reading. Advanced readers will use their peripheral vision to take in the first and last word of each line which will aid in comprehension and reading speed.

Think of it as a well-laid path in a dense forest – it provides direction, reduces the chance of losing one’s way and enhances the overall trekking experience. In the same way, a structured eye path takes the strain out of reading, transforming it into a more pleasurable experience.

Hand Guide: Encouraging Active Reading

Encouraging your child to use their hand or a pointer as a guide as they read not only assists in maintaining the eye path but also fosters active reading. Active reading is a more engaged form of reading where the reader isn’t merely a passive recipient of information but an active participant in the reading process.

By having some activity with the body that reinforces what the mind is focused on, your child’s full system will be engaged and active. Studies have shown that active reading promotes higher comprehension levels and information retention. Think about someone’s posture as they are listening to a lecture or presentation. If a person is slumped back in their seat with their head drooping and shoulders slumped, they are generally going to be less focused on the nuances of the presentation. Whereas if someone is sitting up and actively focused on the material and maybe even nodding along with the overall presentation, they are going to be in a much more open and receptive mindset to better remember and understand the information. Same goes for the use of a hand guide – it compels your child to actively engage with the material they are reading.

Finally, using a pointer can help ensure that your child isn’t re-reading the same line again and can serve to reinforce the momentum they feel as they are working their way through the text. Teaching your child to use a hand guide during reading is like giving them a compass – it ensures they are actively navigating the textual terrain, not just aimlessly wandering through it.

Anchoring Reading Habits: The Story of Sam

Let’s bring these reading habits to life with the tale of a young boy named Sam. Despite his parents’ tireless efforts, Sam found reading to be an uphill struggle. He would lose his place, get frustrated, and inevitably lose interest. Then Sam’s parents discovered First Habits and started applying the reading techniques we’ve discussed above.

They began by helping Sam create a cozy reading corner filled with his favorite books, making reading an inviting experience. As James Clear of Atomic Habits makes abundantly clear, one of the key avenues of positive habit development is “making it attractive.” You can’t expect your child to develop a positive reading habit if the area in which they read is somewhere that isn’t inviting.

Next, they introduced the concept of skimming, showing Sam how to get an overview of the text before diving deep into it. This helped improve his intrinsic motivation because he better understood what he was reading and the ultimate knowledge he would acquire once the reading assignment was completed. They also taught him how to guide his eye path with his finger, which significantly reduced his previous frustrations regarding losing his place within the text.

Over time, these small but intentional steps transformed Sam’s perception of reading from a daunting task to an exciting adventure. Sam’s story is a testament to the power of instilling good reading habits in children. His newfound love for reading sparked an upward spiral, improving not only his academic performance but also his self-confidence and curiosity about the world.

From First Habits to Lifelong Success

We, at First Habits, understand that your aspiration as a parent is to equip your child with the best tools for success. We know that this responsibility can sometimes feel overwhelming. But, remember, with the right habits, you are setting your child on a path towards a successful future. By focusing on developing strong reading habits, you’re giving your child a head start on their journey towards lifelong learning.

Remember, the road to greatness is paved with positive First Habits. Each small but consistent step is a crucial part of the upward spiral in your child’s development. It’s never too early to start. So, let’s begin this reading adventure today!

Join us at First Habits and sign up for our weekly newsletter for comprehensive insights on essential habits to instill in your children and practical strategies for doing so. Together, let’s enable your child to harness the power of habits and shape their destiny, because every child deserves to be equipped with positive First Habits that will inspire them to be a lifelong reader.

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