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First Habits: Your Parenting Journey For the Lifetime Success of your Child

Join us on a journey to develop First Habits for your child, the foundational rituals that set the stage for a lifetime of success and happiness. By prioritizing research-backed, high-value habits early on, you’re equipping your child to be the hero of their own story. Childhood First Habits will then compound to create meaningful positive changes and the start of an upward spiral of success and ability, which will propel them toward a future of limitless possibilities. Not to mention, you as the parent will save countless hours and enjoy an enhanced bond with your child.




Learn more about habits that will become paramount to your child’s development. 

About our content and consulting offerings. Learn more about our online positive parenting program.

Learn More About First Habits

Sign-up (free) to receive our e-book and initial email outlining the most important First Habits that you can teach your children so they can learn more easily, excel in physical activity and be more balanced emotionally. 

About First Habits

All parents want the best for their children. They want them to succeed in all facets of their lives and have all of the skills necessary for them to be as happy and successful as possible. On the flip side, there’s nothing more frustrating than when your child falls behind or you feel that they are not on the right track. Encouraging positive behaviors and instilling good behaviors in preschoolers up through your child’s adolescent years will set the foundation for a fulfilling life.  

In our discussions with hundreds of parents, many have little to no understanding how powerful habits can be to their child’s development. In particular, the First Habits that emerge will have an unbelievable impact on their developmental trajectory. If those First Habits are positive, an upward spiral can emerge. If those habits are negative, the child’s development will likely suffer.

The following questions are usually top of mind:

  • How do children form habits?
  • Which habits will have the biggest impact?
  • How do I reinforce positive habits while minimizing negative habits?

Answering these questions and building habits for and with your child is the basis of First Habits – Lifetime Success. We will help parents build a broad base of tools to instill the habits that will give your children the largest head start so that they can generate a positive cycle of effort and achievement. You as the parent will benefit because your child will be better equipped to deal with challenges and you won’t have to help them break stubborn bad habits.

So come along with us in the journey to create the First Habits that will help your child take the first step toward a lifetime of happiness. 

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Start your journey with First Habits by booking a free consultation with one of our experts who Will help you Implement Positive Habits with your Child
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